Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Power of Letting Go

This past Friday, I said goodbye to a friend that has been there for me countless times. My kitty, Spot, turned 16 on May 9th, but his health has been declining since he was 9 and diagnosed with kidney disease. I've done my best over the last seven years to keep him comfortable and well, but when I looked into his eyes Friday morning, I just knew that he was ready for me to let him go. He was great little companion, and a comfort to me many times. He was also a 'stinker' and a pain in my behind many times too. That's the thing about love though, the good stuff just kind of takes care of the bad stuff. I will miss my little Spotbear terribly and be hoping that he is happy, pain free, and able to swat at and growl at as many dancing guys as he wants.

This week has been a week of seriously letting go of many things in my life that I had held onto for too long out of love. I am giving myself over to trusting that there is a reason for all of this, a plan for me, that the stinging in my heart will not last for long. I can not see perfectly clear at the moment, but I feel that something wonderful is coming to me. I am not just sitting back and waiting for a miracle. I am doing what I have to do to be me. Cause you know what? I can't be anyone else.

I'm working on putting together a little collage of my little Spotty Pants, and will probably be doing some drawings and paintings of him for a little while. It'll be nice to have the time to do it.
Have a great week, everyone! -Misty

1 comment:

Misty Poe Art said...

Goodness. I cried so much that morning, I looked like I'd been through the mill. <3